WP4 - Ship Integration

Main goals of this work package are: development of layout of engine room with genset; preparation of layouts, designs and P&ID for connecting genset with auxiliary systems; supply systems, electrical and thermal systems of ships and development of digital demonstrator of integrated ship energy system with the genset.

4.1 WP Leader

Meyer Werft (MW)

4.2 Tasks and Outputs

On-board assembly strategy

  • Reference cruise profiles, load configurations and ship designs will be collected or assessed for two ships. After the ship reference is decided, several layouts of the engine room with a fuel cell system will be developed.
  • Deliverable D4.1 – Preliminary report on-board arrangement strategy – pending

Auxiliary and supply systems integration

  • The general layout of the system integration will be developed and designed.
  • Deliverable D4.2 – Auxiliary, fuel supply and exhaust venting systems – pending

Electrical and thermal ship integration

  • The integration of the ship grid and usage of the potential of the genset technology will be considered as well as the electrical grid connection, thermal ship integration with the generated heat from the genset to ensure the efficient usage of the thermal energy to achieve the emission reductions.
  • Deliverable D4.3 – Electrical and thermal energy system integration – pending

Energy simulation- digital demonstrator

  • Deliverable D4.4 – Preliminary energy/emission system simulation report – pending
  • Deliverable D4.5 – Energy/emission system simulation report for the chosen cruise ships– pending

4.3 Duration and Status

  • Months 22-54
  • Status – in progress


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Last updated: April, 2023