NAUTILUS Newsletter No.1

Welcome to the 1st newsletter of the NAUTILUS project. The first year of NAUTILUS project coincides with the introduction of the European Union’s ambitious strategy to make Europe a climate neutral continent by 2050 – The European Green Deal. This vision encompasses all aspects of our society, how the energy is produced and used at the heart of it. The ambition of the project NAUTILUS aligns with this vision. It aims to develop a highly efficient energy system for large passenger ships to curb their emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, to comply with the targets of the International Maritime Organisation for 2030 and beyond. As local emission standards, both for CO₂ and pollutants in several regions in the EU such as Fjords are getting more stringent than the global targets, NAUTILUS also examines the possibility of fully sustainable energy solution for vessels.

There are a variety of technologies available at different stages of maturity, from development to implementation to reduce emissions from ships. The consortium of NAUTILUS, with strong competences and experience in developing, integrating and operating marine power systems, has chosen to develop and test a hybrid power system consisting of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) and battery. The technological challenges of scale-up, optimal design, efficient hybridization, dynamic power demand response and safety are addressed by the project.

NAUTILUS energy system will be fuelled at first with Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) instead of heavy fuel oil. Using LNG with a highly efficient energy system is targeted to save 40% of CO₂ emissions. Having in the sight the EU 2050 goal of 70% CO₂ reduction, our envisaged step includes the testing of the novel energy system with the selected synthetic fuels.

⇒ Read the whole Newsletter (pdf)

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NAUTILUS is a short for Nautical Integrated Hybrid Energy System for Long-haul Cruise Ships.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 861647.