NAUTILUS at RWTH GreenTech Expo II

RWTH Aachen University organised a GreenTech Expo that took place from October 24th to November 10th, 2022 at Vorplatz SuperC, Templergraben 57, Aachen. The exhibition addresses the challenge of the energy transition by presenting multiple projects in this field.   

One of the projects presented was NAUTILUS which aims to reduce the environmental footprint of maritime transport through the introduction of an alternative hybrid powertrain for passenger ships using electrification and the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The whole energy management system of the ship is very complex and the energy management unit is being designed at RWTH premises by the team of Dr Cem Ünlübayir within the NAUTILUS project. This energy management unit is important to control the power distribution within the ship and maintain the state of charge of the lithium-ion battery pack at midway. This state of charge is important to ensure that the battery is capable to provide power flow in both directions and thus is able to react flexibly to power demands in peaks as an additional source of energy. When the demand decreases, the battery serves as storage for energy surpluses produced by SOFCs.

More information about the expo is available in German here:

#GreenTech #Nachhaltigkeit #Energie #RWTH #NAUTILUS_2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 861647.

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NAUTILUS is a short for Nautical Integrated Hybrid Energy System for Long-haul Cruise Ships.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 861647.